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Exploring the wonders of Petra, Jordan

Exploring the wonders of Petra, Jordan 

Petra is a magnificent ancient city located in southern Jordan, which was once the capital of the Nabataean kingdom. It’s a city that’s steeped in history and has been fascinating visitors for centuries. Petra is one of the most remarkable archaeological sites in the world and is a UNESCO World Heritage site. To get to Petra, you can fly into Amman or Aqaba and then take a bus or hire a car to travel to the site. The entrance fee to Petra varies depending on the length of your stay, but it’s generally affordable. Once inside, you can explore the city on foot, and there are plenty of trails to follow.


1. One of the highlights of Petra is the Treasury, which is the most famous building in the city. It’s carved into the rock and was once used as a tomb. The Treasury is best seen in the early morning or late afternoon, when the sun is at an angle that illuminates the building. The colors of the rock are truly spectacular, and it’s a sight that will take your breath away.


2. Another must-see attraction is the Monastery, which is located high up on a mountain. To get there, you’ll need to climb a series of steps, but the view from the top is worth it. The Monastery is much larger than the Treasury and is also carved into the rock. It’s a stunning piece of architecture and is a testament to the skill of the Nabataean builders.


3. If you’re planning a trip to Petra, make sure to give yourself plenty of time to explore. There are many other buildings and sites to see, including the Royal Tombs and the High Place of Sacrifice. You can also take a camel or horse ride through the city, which is a great way to see the sights.


4. Petra is a popular tourist destination, so it’s important to plan your visit in advance. There are plenty of hotels and guesthouses in the surrounding area, and you can also camp in the nearby Wadi Rum desert. If you’re interested in learning more about the history of Petra, you can visit the Petra Museum, which features exhibits about the Nabataean civilization.


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